Shannon’s Testimony

Cecilia Ticsay has been so supportive while I go through my journey to get healthier. She checks in, which is nice because it helps keep me accountable. She gave me great recipes to try along with a detailed shopping list. She is not only supportive with my physical health, but also my mental health. She […]

3 Steps to Beating your Head Cold

A wise man should consider that health is the greatest of human blessings, and learn how by his own thought to derive benefit from his illnesses. —Hippocrates Head colds can be a real challenge for me. On one hand, I have no time to deal with a bout of sniffling, sneezing, and aching. On the […]

5 Biggest Myths about Nutrition Bars

Nutrition bars work for our busy lives and allow us to stay fueled and energized throughout jam-packed days. But what do we actually know about the bars that we eat? And are all bars created equal? If you pick up a “nutrition” bar and eat it with out even looking at the label or even […]

8 Tips for the Beginning Runner

Over the years I have had so many people say to me, “Wow, how far?. I hate to run”. But my all time favorite that people say is “I could never do that, I can’t run.” Really, give yourself a break!. Yes you CAN run, but YOU have to believe that you CAN. I have always […]

Refresh & 30 Day Clean Eating Accountability Group

Now that another holiday season is fast approaching, its time to give ourselves a little needed attention. Let’s face it no matter how clean or healthy we think eat or how much we think we exercise, there is always room for improvement. Every time I challenge myself to keep a food journal and kick up […]


I love doing accountability groups because, for me, fitness has no end. I am often asked questions about exercise or nutrition, so what better way to stay consistent in our fitness journey then to have a awesome support group. Why burpees? Burpees can be done anywhere. They do not require any equipment. They work the ENTIRE […]

6 Tips To Help Your Race

It happens. You’ve been training for this race for months, but you cross the finish line just seconds shy of your PR. Frustrated isn’t the word. What do you have to do to beat yourself? Glad you asked. Top coaches, researchers and pro athletes give us the inside training secrets to make your next race—whether […]

Is Corn Syrup Really Like Table Sugar?

I have been having some major problems digesting some gels and other products for hydrating so I decided to dig deep to see what was causing it. After diving into current animal studies and research, I for one am convinced that Corn Syrup or HFCS is an ingredient that does not need to be in […]

Debunking 8 Calorie-Burning Myths

When it comes to losing weight, we all do some pretty wacky things to burn a few extra calories, like “forgetting” to eat before the gym, scarfing down celery by the bunch and jogging half naked in the winter.

Let Me Coach You!

I will Coach you in getting the results you are looking for! You can count on me for support, accountability, and encouragement. Sign me up for FREE membership With your free membership you will also have access to fitness and nutrition tools from Team Beachbody such as workout sheets, target heartrate info, workout schedules, and our WOWY gym […]