Creating Healthy Daily Habits

By making small changes daily you will start long-term changes in your life. It takes conscience effort as well as getting up when you fall short. Whether you’re wanting to lose a few pounds, start a exercise routine or slow down from this fast paced life, here are some things that I hope will make […]

Grain Free Granola

Since most granolas in the grocery stores these days are loaded with sugar and preservatives I decided to make my own. Enjoy this recipe and be creative with what you can eat this with! Ingredients 1 cup raw almonds 1 cup raw pecans 1 cup raw walnuts 1/2 cup to 1 cup unsweetened coconut flakes […]

Risotto Made with Cauliflower

There are so many uses for cauliflower other than the same old steamed soggy way. This is one of our favorite and it was years before by boys knew it wasn’t “rice”. Ingredients: 1 large head cauliflower, chopped into florets, Discard the leaves and thick core. 1 15-oz BPA-free can unsalted cannellini beans, rinsed and […]

6 Ingredients to Boost your Immune System

Boost your immune system by adding to your daily concoction some of these nutrient-rich foods. Add them to your favorite smoothies or cereals since they are filled with antioxidants to help fight against those dreaded winder bugs. 1. COCONUT OIL If you’re looking for more energy, stronger bones and healthier skin, add coconut oil to […]

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