Knee Pain—Part 1 The knee bone’s connected to the . . . In this first of a three-part series on knee pain, I’m going to give you a quick overview of how the knee works in relation to the rest of the body when it comes to exercise and optimal functionality. When starting a new […]
3 Ways to Exercise Body and Mind
Odds are, you’ve noticed yoga and martial art studios popping up like Starbucks® in your neighborhood. Or maybe you’ve noticed that Sunday Tai Chi class in the park being populated by increasingly younger, fitter practitioners. Mindful exercise techniques may date back as far as 3rd millennium BC in Asia, but they’re only now really starting […]
What Should I Eat After a Hard Work Out?
Have you often wondered what you should eat after a hard. I sure have especially since there are so many different opinions. One thing for sure is that it’s important to have a lean protein source, good source of carbs, fruit and vegetables. So I thought I would highlight what works for me and are […]
5 Ways Hydrating Can Keep You from Hurting
That little 12-ounce bottle is truly a fitness enthusiast’s best friend. After all, adequate fluid intake during a workout is essential for comfort, performance, and safety. And the longer and more intensely you exercise, the more important it is to drink the right kind of fluids.
8 Tips to Help You Burn Fat Faster
While there’s no magic fat-loss fairy who’ll grant your wishes overnight, there are a few proven techniques you can use to boost your results and lose weight faster. Check ’em out.
Use of Herbs
Next time you walk into the kitchen and smell something delicious that makes your mouth water, or you have a fresh salad that’s got something extra yummy in it, odds are that you can blame it on fresh green herbs—fragrant, flavorful, and actually good for you. Sure, you can get the dried version in a […]
Foam Rolling: Your Tight Muscles’ Best Friend
One of the biggest obstacles for a new fitness enthusiast to overcome is the soreness that comes with using muscles that haven’t been used in decades. During infancy, we’re learning to fire muscles all over the place. As we grow, spend increasingly more hours in flexion, and use less and less of our God-given ranges […]
Sore, Hungry, and Slow
Source: P90X Newsletter 3 Signs That Show Your Program Is Working By Steve Edwards Exercise makes us feel great. It makes us less hungry. It helps us perform everyday tasks better. Besides our health and the way we look, feeling great, being less hungry, and performing better are exactly the reasons we put ourselves through […]