Healthy Tips for Eating Out

These tips may take some planning, but you will sure be glad you planned ahead. Share a meal and save on cost and calories. Leave off the mayo and special sauce. They are high in fat. Do not super-size. This is just adding calories and fat. Remember shakes, sodas and specialty dinks just add more […]

Fighting the Obesity Trend

Most of us are aware that we’re in the midst of an obesity epidemic. And while we can’t open a newspaper or turn on a computer without a reminder, the problem is still continuing to grow. A recent article in the UK newspaper, The Guardian, predicts that two-thirds of children and 9 out of 10 […]

Is Corn Syrup Really Like Table Sugar?

I have been having some major problems digesting some gels and other products for hydrating so I decided to dig deep to see what was causing it. After diving into current animal studies and research, I for one am convinced that Corn Syrup or HFCS is an ingredient that does not need to be in […]

Shakeology Recipes

Check out some of these Shakeology recipes below. CLICK HERE to check a lot more!   Carl Daikeler Special 1-1/2 scoops Chocolate Shakeology® powder 1 Tbsp. almond or peanut butter (or to taste). 1 banana 1 cup ice 8 oz. water Chocolate Mocha 1 scoop Chocolate Shakeology 1 cup cold coffee (cool the brewed coffee […]

4 Pre-Workout Snacks

Women who eat low-glycemic-index carbohydrates burn 55 percent more fat during exercise than those who eat high-GI foods. To blast fat faster, try one of these recipes. Cherry-Almond-Yogurt Parfait Mix 1 cup nonfat plain yogurt with 1 tsp honey. Top with 1/2 cup bran cereal or whole-grain flakes cereal (like Nature’s Path Heritage Flakes), 1/2 […]

Benefits of Avocados

I have always known that avocados are good for you but I didn’t really know the benefits. Do you know what avocados are? Believe it or not, it’s a fruit, and contains about 20 essential nutrients, like fiber, vitamin E, folic acid, and B-vitamins. Like Omega 3, it has quite a bit of healthy monounsaturated […]

4 Healthy Fats from Fruits

Fat . . . fruit. Fat . . . fruit. Let’s say that one more time: fat . . . fruit. Hardly rolls off the tongue, does it? Most fruits and vegetables have very little fat. But there are exceptions; some of the best sources of healthy fats are fruits. Working them into your diet […]

Asian Seared Pork Chop

Asian Seared Pork Chop – This is a delicious way to prepare pork in less than 30 minutes Prep Time: 10 minutes Total Time: 25 minutes Cook Time: 15 minutes Ingredients 1/2 teaspoon extra virgin olive oil 4 ounces pork sirloin chops, lean, boneless 1/8 teaspoon black pepper 1/4 cup chicken broth, fat-free, low-sodium 1 […]

Banana Mousse

Tis the season for desserts, so this week we have a creamy concoction for you that’s not only delicious, but also loaded with calcium and electrolytes. And here’s a little secret: With its 4 to1 carb to protein ratio, it’ll even make a great recovery snack after blasting through those P90X2® workouts that Santa left under the […]

Baked BBQ Chicken

Here’s a wonderful chicken recipe that you can do easily and quickly at home. it’s lower in fat and sodium than other recipes. Try it today and you’ll love the taste! Ingredients 1 onion, yellow 2 garlic cloves 2 tablespoons chicken broth, fat-free, low-sodium 2 cups tomato sauce, no added salt 1/4 cup raisins 3 […]