The Importance of not skipping a meal

Have you ever been around people who you know don’t eat huge amounts of food (in fact they eat less than everyone else) but are still overweight? This used to be a strange phenomenon to me. Even stranger still, I’d hear about these diets where people reported weight loss while eating way more than they normally […]

Grain Free Granola

Since most granolas in the grocery stores these days are loaded with sugar and preservatives I decided to make my own. Enjoy this recipe and be creative with what you can eat this with! Ingredients 1 cup raw almonds 1 cup raw pecans 1 cup raw walnuts 1/2 cup to 1 cup unsweetened coconut flakes […]

Snack Foods For When You’re At Work

Spending your entire day at the office shouldn’t limit your snack choices. Come to work prepared with healthy snacks, and you’ll improve focus, increase productivity, and avoid packing on pounds. Snack on the five foods below to stay satisfied: Walnuts Health benefits: Walnuts are high in heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants. Snack tip: Pair […]

Tips to Eat Healthier

Eating healthy doesn’t have to be difficult. Maintaining your healthy and feeling your best is directly linked to eating right. Here are a few tips to help you get started. 1. Make time to cook There is little or no time at all to cook when we are in a rush. So what’s the solution […]

Winter Running Gear

Being a Southern California girl most of my adult life and moving to much colder climate has been an adjustment. I have never ran in the snow nor when the weather is in the 20’s so I am learning what to wear for winter running. Here is my list of what I have learned so […]

Beat the Winter “Blahs” with Exercise

Feeling a post-holiday letdown? Tired of shorter days and early nights? Wondering how you can get through the dark months as you pine for summer sunshine? Fear not. You can walk—or jog, run, or lift—your way to a brighter mood with exercise. When you’re feeling low, moving may be the last thing you feel like […]

Setting Goals for the New Year

With this year coming to an end and the start of a fresh new year upon us, we all think of “New Year Resolution”. Sometimes those are goals are the same ones we have made before and sometimes they are totally new and fresh goals, but one things for sure, they are always made with […]

Risotto Made with Cauliflower

There are so many uses for cauliflower other than the same old steamed soggy way. This is one of our favorite and it was years before by boys knew it wasn’t “rice”. Ingredients: 1 large head cauliflower, chopped into florets, Discard the leaves and thick core. 1 15-oz BPA-free can unsalted cannellini beans, rinsed and […]

Oatmeal without the Oats

This is one of my favorite recipes for these cold mornings. I have 1 serving with half the amount of pumpkin seeds and berries,that morning and save the other serving for another day within that week. Enjoy! Ingredients: 1/4 cup raw unsalted almonds 1/4 cup raw unsalted walnuts 1 teaspoon ground allspice 2 Tablespoons ground […]

How to read Food Labels

Have you ever wondered exactly how to understand food labels? For a long time, I was so confused by them. Do I pay more attention to the fats? Total calories? Well hopefully this will help you.   The above food label is from a Grass Fed Greek Yogurt. One serving is 160 calories when you […]